at this classs we talk about a very interesting topic, that can make us think how is oir position andi f we are thinking ina good or bad way.
Motivation is like the sense of life, is the motor of every action you make and every goal you want to achieve, you have to find a way to motivate your self but also a way to motivate others.
Within a company motivation is a key factor for succes, the motivation of the emloyeers is a way to give them reason to work properly for the company. Increasing the salary, a stretch relation where you recognized and name your employees and treat them with respect.
Argentina had been a country with a great influence from European country, so their actions are really similar, their motivations consists on a well presentation and well performace and attitude, in order for the negotiation have succes. Fashion and prsence is important for them, anf they are really sensible so if you dont study well their culture or protocol they would be ofended with you.
In this session of the class we also talk about organizacional learning, about how people within an organization or a company are raised. And they exponed russia
And for example in the case of rusia there is no existente at all of this organizacional learning and they dont have fath on it. Thats why making businees with a Russian company or organization is really complicates and there is not an Orly way that you Could follow in order to achieve succes in your negotiation and everyone manages different points of iew and ideas that are really difficult to predict. But for example as in every culture there are different characteristics depending on the Group of people . for example the old ones relieve that the mean justify the end which is contradictory to the youngers toughts which are more free but still dont have a defined or clear personality. But even though its difficukt to established a fresh relationship with a Russian, for them relationship are a priority befote doing Business. And you must follow a guide or the protocol and always participate and act Turing the meeting because if not youll not be taken seriously
The tirad presentation was about Vietnam’s work and ethics, and how this country is not pretty much ethical. Their have low sense of sensitivity and compasión and humidy for othersthe Rights of the workers are really poor with just Basic needs, minimun wage and less Rights than any other Yorker, they just have general Rights. The governement almost ignores the Yorker and doesnt care about them. So their quality of life and social conditions are really low. Basic needs as Elath are not well covered. The Orly thing that the government cares about is that the Yorker erans $1.6 a day that would cover ther Basic needs for them and their family. Which means that life conditions are really bad, and in almost everycases children has to work to help their family survive.
But talking about the culture’s protocols are really different from us and for example are not to stare at people while talking is necessary to show respect, the more frigid you are is better, you have to be un expresive, becase if you move a lot they ll take it as violation of space which is a big offense.
And at last but not least the presentation of USA was presented, they focused on teamwork in the USA. And características as open mind, developed country and what they represent in the World makes USA an important country for s to focus on its cultures, economy or trade.
As they are really open minded, teamworks are really commited, they accept each other ideas easily than in other country, they are no really aware to risk and they all give the best and are full comitted with the team in order to create or aachieve a great job.
We must be really focused on USA market, so its really important to know which is the better way of making Business with them and how to achieve succes and efficiency in a negotiation