miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

ag 11.... blog


On the class august 11th, we define cultural diversity as the multiplicity and interaction of the cultures that coexist and participate in the cultural identity of the company. The culture depends on the values, traditions, customs that the culture implies. We discussed hard and polemic problms as bull runnings, and I obviously gave my opinion against it and in which ways it affect my, and how I hate it and I told it was against my moral and ethic beliefs, but I respect the people that like it, as the same way I respect other cultural beliefs. Even though I think of them as inmorals and without many values. After that we define polarization that it is a propention to think in a way that could be opposite to another. From its start, any strong cultural manifestation leads to an initial polarization; therefore it will bring preferential or discriminatory treatment.
Another definition we learned was the cultural added value; that is an extra or a plus value that is given to a product service and in this case a culture and it:
• Exceeds the market value
• These products are not only conusming product

The class ended with a video that clearly defines diversity, with de differences between commercial ads. And we analyze and difine Diversity appreciation that is based on respecting and enjoying the wide range of cultural and individual differences, it seeks to use the maximum pote.
After that, in order to understand these concepts we made a class activity that consist on analyze a group of people at their lunch time. My group and I, analyzed a really special and different group, they look like musicians not only because they where singing and had some drum sticks but also their appereance. We analyze them for 20 minutes and was really fun and interesting to understand how in one same cultue and specially in the same university can exist such diversity. When we return to the classroom all the class share their analisis and everybody seems to enjoy the activity.

PICTURE AVAILABLE AT: http://www.benetton.com/portal/web/guest/home

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