miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010

august 4th

Organizational culture.
On the class of august 4th we observe and analyze not only the culture in general but organizational cultural within all its characteristics and impacts in our society.First we start defining cultures as “a compound of habits, costums, behavior and many different ways to interact in order to have and identity”. In the world there are different cultures which interact within each other and nowadays international relations are one of the most important steps that a culture must have in order to participate and integrate with the world. The differences in cultures could be notorious and change a lot but this fact doesn’t make it better or worse. And acceptance and comprehension are essential. The generation of a culture is compound by the philosophy and founder that are the head and creators, then comes the selection of criteria that is basically what makes the difference between all cultures and define their specific beliefs and actions which is divided in top management and socialization that creates and follow some traditions, costumes, beliefs and ideas that finally form the organizational culture. All questions are bound to each other and differentiate each culture with another and give us a position and reflects who we are, what we do and why?
The subjective vision of the organizational culture can be seen by 5 different pints that gives us the right answers that better describes the culture.
1) Shared of assumptions: what we think? And all our actions are reflected on what we think
2) Shared values: what do we believe? Our beliefs are the base of the culture we belong to, that’s why it differentiate us between others and is what we follow
3) Shared meanings: how to interpret things? You can understand and have a different vision depending on the interpretation you give it, some things are just what it is but the way you saw it, is what makes the big difference.
4) Shared understandings: how we do things here? How we act? And why?
5) Shared corporate image: in which way are we seen? How are we perceived? Which is our position?

Organizational cultures are recognizing with some specific characteristics such as:
1) Members identity
2) Emphasis on group not people
3) Indirect focus on people
4) Integration of units: units work in a corporate and integrated manner
5) Control: a compact of clear and low impact.
6) Risk tolerance: permissiveness with employees- different according to the job
7) Reward criteria: salaries, benefits….
8) Emphasis ends or to means: the company focus its goals, or on its techniques or processes: everyone has a price
9) Open system approach: degree the organization interacts with the outside.

Analyzing and deeply looking to all its characteristics and the definition of a culture, we can clearly understand what a culture means to individual and gives the identity but always as a group, interacting and acting in a common way that will have impact among each member in the culture.

PICTURE AVAILABLE AT: http://dietraumevonsophie.com/

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